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  • De ruysscher, D. and M. In’t Veld, “De gewoonte in het Belgisch en Nederlands economisch privaatrecht”, Tijdschrift voor Privaatrecht 2017, 417-454.

  • De ruysscher, D., “Entity shielding y los inicios del patrimonio de las sociedades (Amberes, siglos XVI-XVII)”, Anuario de historia del derecho 90 (2020), 242-271.

  • De ruysscher, D., “Maxims and Cases: Maritime Law and the Blending of Merchant and Legal Culture in the Low Countries (16th-17th Centuries)”, Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung (Germanistische Abteilung) 138/1 (2021), 260-275.

  • De ruysscher, D., ‘Mercantile Jurisdiction and Sovereignty: The City of Antwerp versus the German Hansa (16th Century)’, under review.

  • De ruysscher, D.,“The Merchant on Stage. Grand Narratives in the History of Commercial Law”, Zeitschrift für neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 45/190 (2023), 75-96.

  • De ruysscher, D., "Coutumes et droit urbain: conserver et adapter la tradition (Pays-bas, 16e-17e siècles)", Revue historique de droit français et étranger, 2023-1, 11-30.

Book chapters

  • De ruysscher, D., “Antwerp 1490-1590: Insurance and Speculation”, in A.B Leonard (ed.), Marine Insurance: Origins and Institutions, 1300-1850, London, Palgrave MacMillan, 2015, 78-105.

  • De ruysscher, D., “Partnerships as Flexible and Open-Purpose Entities: Legal and Commercial Practice in Nineteenth-Century Antwerp (c. 1830-c. 1850)” in De ruysscher, D., Cordes, A., Dauchy, S. and Pihlajamäki, H. (eds.), The Company in Law and Practice: Did Size Matter? (Middle Ages-Nineteenth Century), (Studies in the History of Private Law), Leiden, Brill, 2017, 158-202.

  • De ruysscher, D., “Why We Need a History of Collateral Rights: the Example of Antwerp (15th-16th Century)” in L. Brunori, S. Dauchy, O. Descamps and X. Prévost (eds.), Le droit face à l'économie sans travail. Finance, investissement et spéculation de l'Antiquité à nos jours. Tome II: L'approche internationale, Paris, Classiques Garnier (Histoire du droit), 297-308.

  • De ruysscher, D., “Trade and Navigation in Renaissance Europe” in R. Lesaffer (ed.), The Cambridge History of International Law, vol. VI/1, Cambridge, CUP, 2024, in press.

  • De ruysscher, D., “Trade in Old Regime Europe (1660-1775)” in R. Lesaffer (ed.), The Cambridge History of International Law, vol. VI/2, Cambridge, CUP, 2024, in press.

  • De ruysscher, D., “Changes in Sovereignty Concepts of Cities of Trade and the Impact on Diplomatic Relations (Low Countries, 15th-16th Centuries)”, in L. Brunori (ed.), La dynamique juridique des réseaux marchands: hanses, nations, agences, filiales et comptoirs, Toulouse, Toulouse University Press, 2023, 83-98.

Other publications

The above is an overview of selected publications. For a complete list, see:

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